
Point A to Point B

The transformation from man to dog went smoother than Wilbur expected. He didn't have any problems until it was time to fly the spaceship home. He kept mistaking the steering wheel for a bone, and before he knew he could stop himself, he chewed it to pieces.


Becca Johnson said...

LOL! That's awesome, Merrie! Amazing how similar the two look. :P

Becca Johnson

Merrie Destefano said...

Ha! Well, that's how those aliens are, you know. They just blend right in. That chair you're sitting on right now, well, it's probably an alien. Your cat, alien. Your refrigerator, definitely alien.

Becca Johnson said...

The cat's the most likely. ;) He's more dog than cat anyway. :P He's some alien who got confused as to how cats are supposed to act. :P

Becca Johnson

Merrie Destefano said...

My cat thinks he's a dog too. But the dogs know the difference!