
Crop Circles: Volume One

Stories from the barren edge of the universe, from the flat edge of the earth. Thoughts that exist in between yes and no, between go and stay. Words that flow like alien wheat on the brittle solar wind.

1. Writer's Block: Kick Start
There are no rules and yet, there are too many rules. I write, not because I want to; in fact, I am afraid of writing, of saying the wrong thing. Of constantly writing and then rewriting, and then never finishing anything of value. . .

2. The Deep End
Summers were filled with a bright outside, layers of concrete and sunshine; and dark shadowy insides. My mother would sleep, shades drawn; grey on grey shadows filtered from room to room as a fan thumped stale, humid air out onto city streets. I would leave our apartment in the morning and walk to my best friend's house while it was still cool. . .

3. The Send Button
I think the fear of failure and the fear of success are twin sisters. They play together in the dark; hold hands while they run through the rain. They laugh and giggle and sleep under my bed like childhood monsters; sometimes they whisper things only my dearest friend should know. . .

4. The Silent Yes
I grew up in a family where yes was said too often. Sometimes the yes was silent, but it was still yes. Always yes. . .

5. Kaleidoscope Kiss
I didn’t expect to see him at the party. He was older than us, this tall handsome man with the dazzling smile. Like a dancer, he moved through our underground culture, teaching everyone the new steps, peddling the new music, the new clothes, the new ideas. . .

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